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Join the trade association for businesses that support fair play for online commerce by becoming a member today!

Why Join?

The Responsible Online Commerce Coalition (ROCC) is a trade association for businesses that rely on Amazon and other online commerce platforms to reach their customers. Together, we are working to ensure fair play for all businesses that operate in online commerce—from the very smallest third-party sellers to the world’s largest household brands. We will advance our mission through public policy advocacy and education, as well as regular member meetings to collaborate and gain from each other’s experience. While companies like Amazon spend tens of millions of dollars to influence policymakers, ROCC will leverage the truth, as well as our members’ real-world insights and experience to achieve our goals at a fraction of that expense. 

Complete Confidentiality

We understand that businesses that rely on Amazon or other large platforms may have serious concerns about the possibility of economic retaliation and, therefore, desire to remain anonymous. We promise to keep members’ identities confidential if they choose to join anonymously. We will not share members’ identities without requesting express permission to do so.

Membership benefits Include:

  1. Ability to participate in and influence advocacy work around ROCC’s twelve principles
  2. Invitation to participate in regular member meetings
  3. Regular newsletters with updates on our progress, opportunities for change, as well as helpful analysis, insights, and tips from industry-leading Amazon experts

For companies with revenues above $1 million, please email us at for membership fee details.

For small sellers with revenues less than $1 million (or equivalent in EU or UK currencies), we offer membership fees of $9-$39 per month depending on your size and with certain further discounts available for upfront payments. In addition to the benefits listed above, you will get access to the following:

  1. Ability to participate in member calls where sellers can update ROCC staff on their concerns and weigh in on our priorities on a regular basis
  2. Assistance in connecting members with elected representatives and regulators
  3. Case-specific consultations with ROCC staff regarding challenges with Amazon or other operators of online marketplaces that relate to ROCC’s twelve principles

We understand that businesses that rely on Amazon or other large platforms may have serious concerns about the possibility of economic retaliation and, therefore, desire to remain anonymous. We promise to keep members’ identities confidential if they choose to join anonymously unless disclosure is required by law.

Monthly Membership Fees based on Annual Revenue (one month free if you pay for one year up front)

If you are already a member, please log in here to manage your account.