19 Apr 2023

ROCC Signs on to Letter Supporting FTC and DOJ Action to Stop Anticompetitive Conduct by Tech Giants

The Responsible Online Commerce Coalition went on record today with its support of Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice efforts to rein in Big Tech and revive competition in the digital economy.

The move came as ROCC signed on to a letter from a coalition of business groups and businesses to the House Energy & Commerce Committee commending the FTC and DOJ for their work to investigate and hold Big Tech gatekeepers accountable for their anticompetitive conduct.

Among other suits and investigations, the FTC is reportedly investigating Amazon for possible violations of antitrust law, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The work of the FTC and DOJ in digital markets is critical to promoting growth and innovation for businesses of all sizes in the U.S.  that rely on the dominant platforms to reach their customers, which include ROCC members, the letter said. 

The House panel received the letter ahead of an April 18 hearing in the House Energy & Commerce Committee on the FTC’s fiscal year 2024 budget.

“The rise of monopoly power in the tech sector has tilted the playing field against emerging innovators and ultimately put America’s global leadership in jeopardy,” the letter stated. “It has also left consumers with fewer choices and that is why we support legislation to curb anticompetitive behavior by the largest technology platforms.”

ROCC said it was “proud to join this group of companies and advocates from the business community to commend the agencies’ important work to date and are following with great interest and anticipation the FTC’s reported efforts with respect to reining in Amazon’s abuse of market power over third-party sellers, brands, and manufacturers.”

While investigations and litigation by U.S. federal and state enforcers are pending, ROCC will continue to fight on behalf of its members for open and fair markets in online commerce in the legislative and policy arenas in the U.S., UK, and Europe.

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