26 Sep 2023

ROCC Statement on FTC’s Antitrust Lawsuit Against Amazon

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Responsible Online Commerce Coalition (ROCC) released the following statement in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s lawsuit against Amazon for anticompetitive practices to grow and maintain its dominance in digital markets:

“As a coalition of businesses that rely on Amazon and other online platforms to reach their customers, The Responsible Online Commerce Coalition (ROCC) applauds the FTC’s action against Amazon for alleged violations of antitrust law,” said Amanda Lewis, Co-Founder and Director of U.S. Competition Policy. “With today’s lawsuit, the FTC has brought a landmark case to hold Amazon accountable for its abuse of monopoly power over third-party sellers and other businesses that seek no more or less than the ability to compete on a level playing field,” Lewis added.

According to Lewis, “Amazon imposes anticompetitive and oppressive pricing rules and fees on third-party sellers and other so-called business ‘partners,’ that effectively operate as an invisible hand to set prices artificially high. Even if sellers wanted to offer lower prices elsewhere, Amazon’s ban on lower prices deprives consumers of much-needed sales and discounts on everyday items from dietary supplements to pet supplies.” Lewis continued, “The Responsible Online Commerce Coalition and its members thank FTC Chair Lina Khan, Commissioner Rebecca Slaughter, Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya, and most of all the career staff for their multi-year commitment and dedication to bringing Amazon’s anticompetitive conduct to light in today’s historic action.”  

Contact: info@theroccoalition.com

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