2 Nov 2023

ROCC Statement on Latest Public Version of FTC’s Amazon Complaint

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Responsible Online Commerce Coalition (ROCC) released the following statement in response to today’s release of the latest public version of the Federal Trade Commission’s complaint from its lawsuit against Amazon for anticompetitive practices to grow and maintain its dominance in digital markets:

“The newly unredacted parts of the FTC complaint against Amazon reveal the true nature of the company: Amazon is a monopolist that abuses its market power over third-party sellers and other ‘business partners’ to the detriment of both consumers and the millions of captive sellers that rely on the platform,” said Amanda Lewis, Co-Founder and Director of U.S. Competition Policy.

“This new evidence demonstrates that, far from being customer-obsessed, Amazon is obsessed with its own bottom line,” Lewis added.

Contact: info@theroccoalition.com

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